Moniker Complaint and Abuse Center

Report Abuse

At Moniker, we take abuse reports and complaints seriously and review each and every submission. All requests will be answered within 72 working hours. Each case is considered individually based on the available information and our own internal investigations after which time appropriate action is taken in line with our Privacy Policy, Registration Agreement, Rights & Responsibilities, and Federal Law.

Please use the form below to send a complaint or report abuse of Moniker services. Abuse cases may include the following:

  1. Trademark
  2. Copyright
  3. Spam
  4. Phishing / Malware
  5. Inappropriate Content

Part of the investigation process may include the use of your report to substantiate claims made against a Moniker customer.

Please describe your problem in detail – this helps us to help you as fast and as good as possible.

You may also email us: mailto:abuse |at|

The dedicated phone number for support / abuse report is either 1 (844) 760-0251 or +1 (954) 601-5759 (International).