Domain Security

MaxLock™ protects your valuable online assets: it’s simple, inexpensive and rock-solid – available for both single domains and portfolio protection.

Domain MaxLock

Ultimate domain protection for $ 19.99 per domain

Domain MaxLock protects against unauthorized domain transfer through identity theft or malicious intent.

How it works: All transfer requests must pass through offline security and documentation tests you define. You provide special verification instructions and artifacts to ensure that your unique business or ownership interests are protected.

Portfolio MaxLock

Uncompromising blanket protection: $ 124.99 for all your domains

Domain Portfolio MaxLock protects your entire domain portfolio against unauthorized transfers, “pushing” to another account, and unauthorized account changes, including:

  • WHOIS contact info management
  • Domain name servers (DNS) IP management
  • URL and e-mail forwarding
  • Account preferences
  • Users and passwords
  • Payment information, and more!

How it works: Provide your government-issued ID to confirm your identity. Submit two security questions and answers, which will be added to your account login. Modifications of the security questions can only be made through the security team after a thorough off-line verification.